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The Content of "Cyber Sovereignty: Theory and Practice" (Version 3.0) Submitted to the United Nations as China's Position

Cyber Sovereignty: Theory and Practice (Version 3.0) was officially launched on September 27, 2021 at the World Internet Conference. The outcome document was jointly organized by Wuhan University, led by China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Fudan University, Beihang University, National Institute for Global Strategy, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Tsinghua University and University of International Business and Economics. "(//www.wicwuzhen.cn/web21/information/Release/202109/t20210928_23157328.shtml) Huang Zhixiong, Vice Dean of the Law School, served as the convenor of the panel. The document actively echoes the principle of sovereign equality of the UN Charter, clearly defines the concept of cyber sovereignty, the specific principles applicable to it, the relevant practices of various countries, and calls on the international community to work together under the UN framework. The Chinese government submitted "China's Position on Cyber Sovereignty" as a statement of position of the Chinese government. (//meetings.unoda.org/section/oewg-ict-2021_documents_14473_documents_16363/ ) This paper includes three parts: the meaning of cyber sovereignty, the basic principles of exercising cyber sovereignty, and the main manifestations of cyber sovereignty, which reflects the contents of Cyber Sovereignty: Theory and Practice (Version 3.0).


The contents of the Cyber Sovereignty: Theory and Practice (Version 3.0) were adopted by the Chinese government and submitted to the United Nations as a position paper, which fully reflects the influence of this outcome led by our university. It also helps to promote consensus among countries and enhance our discourse power.