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New Works of Professor Ignacio was Published

Experiments in International Adjudication - Historical Accounts, co-edited by professor Ignacio and professor Jorge E. Viuales of Cambridge University, UK, was published in Cambridge University Press in March 2019.


The history of international adjudication was often interpreted as a triumphalist narrative of normative and institutional progress, which ignored its unsatisfactory memories, legacy problems and historical failures. In this narrative, most of the "experiments" and "errors" were either forgotten or rediscovered. Written by an interdisciplinary team of lawyers, historians and social scientists, the book revealed the history of international adjudication on the basis of abundant systems and legal practices that had not yet been totally explored since the end of the 19th century. This book combined those failed and successful practice to clarify the understanding of the past and current situation of international adjudication.

Click  //www.cambridge.org/core/books/experiments-in-international-adjudication/F28DFA2D5582D79F6593336DB3F44A67 to get more details.



Edited by Su Yi & Wu Liuqing