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Prof. Ning Lizhi Invited to Attend the Anti-monopoly Expert Seminar of the Supreme Court

On May 12, the Supreme People's Court held an expert symposium on anti-monopoly trials. Zhou Qiang, Secretary of the Party Group and President of the Supreme People's Court, attended and spoke at the symposium. He Rong, vice secretary of the party group and executive vice president of the Supreme People's Court, presided over the seminar. Comrades in charge of the Civil Division and the Intellectual Property Court of the Supreme People's Court attended the seminar. At the symposium, experts from the Expert Committee and comrades in charge of relevant departments put forward their opinions and suggestions from different perspectives, such as theory and practice, domestic and international, as well as legislation, law enforcement and justice, on the in-depth implementation of the anti-monopoly law, the prevention and suppression of monopolistic practices, and the protection of fair competition in the market.

Ning Lizhi, Professor of Wuhan University Law School and Director of Wuhan University Institute of Intellectual Property and Competition Law, was invited to speak on several issues of current anti-monopoly law in China. He suggested that there is an inherent unity between stimulating innovation and maintaining a fair competitive order, and that the main directions for the healthy development of the platform economy should be accurately grasped in terms of properly handling the relationship between strengthening anti-monopoly on Internet platforms and promoting the healthy and sustainable development of the platform economy. Prof. Ning also expressed his personal opinions and suggestions on the relationship between anti-unfair competition law and anti-monopoly law, and the relationship between anti-monopoly judicial protection and administrative enforcement.


Edited by Yuan Yuhang & Wu Liuqing