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Judicial Research Centre on Drug Crimes Agreement Renewal Ceremony was Held

On December 3, 2020, the agreement renewal ceremony of the cooperation among the Fifth Division of Criminal Trials of the Supreme People's Court, the Office of the National Anti-Drug Commission and Wuhan University in establishing the Judicial Research Centre on Drug Crimes was held at the Wuhan University Law School.


Guests attending the ceremony included Ma Yan and Fang Wenjun, Vice President of the Fifth Division of the Criminal Trial Court of the Supreme People's Court; Li Xiao, Director of the Policy and Regulations Department of the Office of the National Anti-Drug Commission and the Anti-Drug Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security; Wang Suzhi, Assistant Judge of the Supreme People's Court; Prof. Shen Zhuanghai, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Wuhan University; Prof. Feng Guo, Dean of Wuhan University Law School; Prof. Mo Hongxian, Director of Wuhan University Criminal Law Research Centre; Prof. He Rongkong, Vice Dean of Wuhan University Law School and Director of Wuhan University Drug Crime Judicial Research Centre; and students and teachers of the Criminal Law Faculty of Wuhan University Law School.

Dean Feng Guo presided over this renewal ceremony. Deputy Secretary Shen Zhuanghai delivered a speech and extended a warm welcome to the guests from the Supreme Court and the National Narcotics Control Commission. Prof. He Ronggong gave a report on the building of the Judicial Research Centre on Drug Crimes. The report pointed out that the Centre had achieved fruitful results in theoretical research, personnel training, social services and external exchanges since its establishment. The Centre has played the role of a national strategic think tank, with its advice being adopted by state agencies on many occasions.

After listening to the report, Vice-President Ma Yan expressed full recognition of the results achieved by the Centre and made suggestions for future construction. Director Li Xiao congratulated the Centre on its fruitful achievements and expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the staff of all parties for their hard work. After the speeches, the three institutions signed the renewal agreement.

After the renewal ceremony, Prof. Mo Hongxian delivered a summary. The renewal ceremony was successfully concluded.

Edited by Yuan Yuhang & Wu Liuqing