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Professor Cai Zhenrong Gave a Lecture on "Theory and Practice of Administrative Enforcement Law in Taiwan"

On December 6, 2019, professor Cai Zhenrong, the dean of the law school of Hsuan Chuang University in Taiwan, invited by the law school of Wuhan University, gave a lecture on the theme of "theory and practice of administrative enforcement law in Taiwan" in the teaching and research room of procedural law of the law school. Professor Lin Lihong was the host. Associate professor Zhuang Han and Dr. Huang Qihui were general participants.

At first, professor Cai Zhenrong explained the differences between the concept of directive punishment and executive punishment. After that, he explained the main points of the administrative execution law of Taiwan from "the execution of pecuniary obligation by public law" and "the enforcement of act and nonfeasance". Finally, Mr. Cai made a detailed analysis of the important legal norms and judicial interpretations in the administrative execution law.

During the discussion, Mr. Zhuang Han pointed out that the subject of the execution system in Taiwan suffered a change from judicial organs to administrative organ, which gave us enlightenment in the allocation of administrative execution power and non-litigation execution system in Mainland China. Mr. Huang Qihui stressed that the classification of administrative execution in Taiwan and the logical reasoning process of relevant theories were worth studying in research. Professor Cai Zhenrong patiently answered the questions from the students and further explained his opinions about the administrative execution law of Taiwan.

Finally, professor Lin Lihong expressed thanks for professor Cai and his fantastic speech. She hoped that we both universities could have more exchanges and cooperations.



Edited by Su Yi & Wu Liuqing