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Convention on Wetlands COP14 "Cross-Regional Wetland Action" Successfully Held

On November 12, Research Institute of Environmental Law(Wuhan University),the Global Environmental Institute (GEI), International Crane Foundation (ICF), Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), and Conservation International Foundation (CI) co-hosted a side event on the theme of "Cross-Regional Wetland Action: Connecting People, Species and Habitats" at the Donghu International Conference Center.

Representatives from Ramsar COP14 Executive Committee Office, Jiangxi Poyang Lake National Nature Reserve, Dandong Yalu Jiangkou Shidi National Reserve Management Center, the Global Environmental Institute, International Crane Foundation, Natural Resources Defense Council, Conservation International Foundation, companies such as Hello Inc, Shanghai Disney Resort, RGE China, Pernod Ricard China, LOHAS Magazine Publisher, and nearly 500 students and teachers from Wuhan University gathered together both online and offline.

The conference was opened by Ren Peng, program manager of Global Environment Institute.

Firstly, Meng Xianlin, director of Ramsar COP14 Executive Committee Office and former director-general of the Department of International Cooperation of NFGA, as well as Rich Beilfuss, president of International Crane Foundation, delivered speeches for the event.

Meng Xianlin said that wetlands are important natural ecosystems, which are not only the basis for protecting national ecological security, but also have the functions of regulating climate, improving the environment and maintaining biodiversity. China's wetland protection has made great achievements, but there is still a gap with the international advanced level. Therefore, we need to include more wetlands in conservation and promote international co-operation.

Rich Beifuss said wetlands are important natural resources. Crane conservation is very important for global wetland conservation and ecosystem protection. We look forward to constructive discussions on topics such as "Best Practices of Community Wetland Conservation", "Collaborative Conservation along Crane Migration Flyways", and "The Role of NGOs in Wetland Conservation" at this conference.

In the following section, representatives from different government agencies, public interest organizations, research institutions and enterprises shared their experiences and achievements in wetland conservation. This session was moderated by Hua Ning, Director of Ecological Conservation Program of Natural Resources Defense Council.

Chen Yunzhu, Senior Program Officer of GEI, introduced GEI's work in wetland conservation in East and Southeast Asia, using the example of mangrove conservation projects in Indonesia, and emphasized the importance of cross-regional conservation. Yu Qian, China Program Director of ICF, shared the collaborative conservation along their migration flyways; Jon Devine, Water Division Director of Nature Program of NRDC, emphasized the multiple benefits of wetland conservation on local ecology. Richard Jeo, Senior Vice President of CI and Xu Zhiwen, Director of Jiangxi Poyang Lake National Nature Reserve and representative of FAO-GEF Jiangxi Wetland Project, shared the exploration of multi-stakeholder participation in wetland conservation, and released "The Curious Life of Poyang Lake". Zhao Wenjuan, representative of " Action for the Ocean", introduced the objectives of "Action for Ocean" and how to unite Chinese private organizations to participate in wetland conservation.

In the roundtable discussion session, representatives from government departments, research institutions, enterprises, international organizations and NGOs engaged in a lively discussion on topics including multi-stakeholder engagement in wetland conservation and the role of enterprise in wetland conservation.

In the first session, the panelists discussed "multi-stakeholder engagement in wetland conservation". This session was moderated by Chen Yunzhu, Senior Program Officer of GEI.

Ma Li, director of Dandong Yalu Jiangkou Shidi National Reserve Management Center, introduced the basic situation and current work, arguing that administrative subjects should strengthen cooperation with NGOs and stakeholders. Riza Aditya n Ilham of Indonesia Yagasu Foundation, introduced that the foundation encourages local residents and women to participate in mangrove conservation and develop mangrove product processing industry to obtain both economic and environmental benefits. Zhang Jing, program manager of SEE Foundation, introduced the work in terms of coastal wetland protection, bird protection, scientific survey and international cooperation. Wang Lanhua, director of Jiangxi Birdwatching Association, introduced the basic information of Jiangxi Birdwatching Association and hoped that members could make more contributions to wetland conservation by giving feedback and providing information. Li Hui, Senior Manager of Environmental Affairs and Horticulture of Shanghai Disney Resort, discussed the role of enterprises in wetland conservation by taking "Star Wish Park", an artificial wetland park in Shanghai Disney Resort, as an example.

In the second session of the roundtable discussion, representatives from various companies discussed the theme of "the role of enterprise in wetland conservation". This session was moderated by Zhang Cheng, China Program Director of CI.

Wu Qiwei, Senior Operation Manager of Hellobike Business Group, discussed green traveling and carbon management. Wang Joe, Vice President of Public Relations and Communications of Pernod Ricard China, emphasized the importance of biodiversity conservation for companies to provide quality products. Gao Baoyu, Deputy General Manager of Sustainability of RGE China, regarded the Poyang Lake wetland conservation project as a way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and specifically introduced the exploration in publicity and cooperation. Yang Xiaodan, LOHAS Magazine Publisher of, General Manager of Modern Weekly in Beijing Branch, emphasized that wetland ecological protection and biodiversity conservation should be the theme of the media.

Finally, Professor Qin Tianbao, Director of the Institute of Environmental Law, Wuhan University, gave a summary of the side event.

Professor Qin Tianbao summarized the core content of the conference as "multiple unification". He said that the 20th Party Congress re-emphasized the need to further modernize the national governance system and capacity. The multiple governance pattern demonstrated in this conference is the embodiment of this requirement in the field of wetland conservation. Wetland conservation involves multiple subjects, including party committees and governments, enterprises, social organizations, research institutions and the media, all of which need to cooperate with each other. The goal of all the subjects is unified, that is, to protect wetlands is to protect human beings ourselves. Professor Qin Tianbao emphasized that the research of environmental law at Wuhan University should meet the national requirements of the rule of law and provide legal services for multiple subjects.

The Institute of Environmental Law cooperated with the various organizers to successfully hold this conference, which is another example of the Institute accomplishing the tasks entrusted by the relevant authorities. The event shared cases of cross-regional joint conservation between China and regions in East Asia, Southeast Asia, and Oceania. This session explored mechanisms for wetland species and habitat conservation. It was highly recognized by the Ramsar COP 14 Executive Committee Office and the National Forestry and Grassland Administration.