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A Special meeting on the Construction of International Law Pilot Class Held in Law School

On September 22, a special meeting on the construction of international law pilot class was successfully held in the Law School. The conference focused on "Cultivation of Foreign-related Rule of Law Talents and Construction of Undergraduate International Law Pilot Class", and discussed in depth the cultivation of undergraduate international law talents and made suggestions on its long-term development. Dean Feng Guo, Party Secretary Sun Deyuan, Deputy Party Secretary Hu Wei, Vice Deans Huang Zhixiong and Wu Yiwen, Director Xiao Yongping, Vice Directors Nie Jianqiang, Zhang Hui and Cui Xiaojing of WHU Institute of International Law, and all teachers of the Institute of International Law participated in the meeting, and Vice Dean Wu Yiwen presided over the meeting.


Dean Feng Guo pointed out that under the new conditions, the shortage of foreign-related legal talents in terms of quality and quantity has become more and more obvious, so it is necessary to establish a pilot class of international law. The first international law pilot class was opened by the whole school and was warmly welcomed by students, the enrollment scale reached 44 students. We should pay attention to the quality of undergraduate teaching and improve the quality of training of foreign legal talents, so as to create a large number of high-quality foreign legal talents with both moral and talent.

Director Xiao Yongping said that we should follow the trend to be the first to launch undergraduate international law classes in national legal education. Lectures should be arranged according to students' needs; we strive to publish undergraduate international law textbook series for professional platform courses and core courses within 2-3 years.

Deputy Director Cui Xiaojing focused on the cultivation program of the Law School's International Law Experimental Class. After sorting out the characteristics of international law curriculum of overseas universities and comparing the cultivation programs of foreign-related rule of law talents in domestic universities, she pointed out that the Law School's international law experimental class paid more attention to the construction of curriculum characteristics and the planning of talent cultivation.

In the exchange session, the participating experts actively pointed out the current problems and putting forward feasible suggestions. The discussion focused on the construction of the pilot class, suggesting that firstly, the relationship between theory and practice should be emphasized, such as inviting practical experts to teach negotiation courses, opening practical lectures, students' participation in teachers' research projects, etc.; secondly, the relationship between students' foreign language proficiency and international vision should be emphasized, such as opening courses of selected international law works in English, increasing the amount of legal English, making full use of the Internet to broaden international vision, increasing the rate of exchange abroad, etc.; thirdly, we should pay attention to the relationship between the study of international law and other disciplines, such as strengthening the logical connection between the courses, implementing the dynamic flow mechanism, and allowing students to choose the direction of their disciplines according to their own interests.

Secretary Sun Deyuan said that we should run the international law pilot class with the standard of professional construction, further define the goal of talent training, and strive to make the international law pilot class into a characteristic pilot class and elite class. At the same time, we require long-term implementation of political leadership and ideological leadership, helping students to establish firm beliefs and lofty ideals, and contributing to the training of high-quality foreign-related rule of law talents.




Edited by Wang Yuting & Wu Liuqing