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Kazakh Prime Minister Karim Masimov Came Back to Alma Mater

On 31st August, after six years since his last visit, Prime Minister of The Republic of Kazakhstan Karim Masimov came back to his alma mater, recollecting his three years of campus life in Wuhan University. Accompanied by Party Secretary Hanjin, President Li Xiaohong, managing Vice-president Feng Youmei and other staff of Wuhan University, Mr. Masimov visited Law School.

Party Secretary of Law School Hou Zhenfa introduced to Mr. Masimov of the latest development of Law School. Mr. Hou said: “You are the first and only overseas Prime Minister that has ever studied at Wuhan University. Law School is proud of you.” Mr. Masimov shared some old time memories with the professors and expressed his delight about the ongoing development. Deputy Party Secretary Huangli, Assistant Dean Du Jianwei, Deputy Director of International Law Institute Yu Minyou and Deng Zhaohui, Professor Du Zhihua were with Mr. Masimov’s on his tour to Law School.

At last, on behalf of Wuhan University, Mr. Hanjin presented Mr. Masimov the exquisite writings of Law School professors.

Prime Minister Masimov has studied at Law School of Wuhan University from1989 to 1992. Due to his excellent performance, he gained his academic degree in three years. This is the third time that Mr. Masimov has come back to Wuhan University. Masimov was elected Outstanding Alumni of Wuhan University and conferred honorary doctorate in 2008.