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The Seminar "Protection of Intellectual Property Rights and Technology Transfer of Zhuhai High-tech Enterprises under the Background of China-US Trade Frictions" was Successfully Held

On December 7, 2019, the seminar "Protection of Intellectual Property Rights and Technology Transfer of Zhuhai High-tech Enterprises under the Background of China-US Trade Frictions" sponsored by Wuhan University Law School, Zhuhai Research Group and Zhuhai Seine Printing Technology Co., Ltd was successfully held in Conference Room 325. Teachers and students from the Development Research Center of the State Council, National Intellectual Property Administration, CCPIT, Department of Commerce of Hubei Province, Dow Jones & Company, Gaowen Law Firm, Global Law Firm, Hiways Law Firm, Wuhan University and Zhongnan University of Economics and Law attended the seminar.

Professor Yu Shuhong presided over the opening ceremony. Dean Feng Guo warmly welcomed the guests. Professor Nie Jianqiang, the head of the project, briefly introduced the basic situation, directions and aims of the research. He hoped that all experts could speak freely to help us improve the quality of the project.

The seminar contained four units. The first part was chaired by professor Feng Jiehan. Professor Nie Jianqiang delivered a speech. Professor Nie Jianqiang analyzed the problems of stealing trade secrets on the Internet, compulsory technology transfer, technology licensing systems. To solve these problems, he put forward some suggestions. Director Han Xiucheng pointed out that China currently faced a severe external situation. Director Xu Hongqiang pointed out tha we must pay full attention to the research on the protection of intellectual property rights.

The second speaker was Huang Yuanyuan, a graduate student of the law school. The theme of the report was "US 337 Investigation and the solutions". Huang Yuanyuan proposed a solution for Chinese companies to effectively respond to the 337 investigation in the United States, and finally analyzed the anti-sanctions mechanisms in China.

The second part was chaired by professor Ning Lizhi. The first speaker was Wang Ming, a member of Zhuhai research group, and the theme of the report was "judicial protection of American trade secrets and tts impact on Chinese high-tech enterprises." Lawyer Gui Jia pointed out that not only was there a difference between Chinese trade secret protection laws and U.S. trade secret protection laws, there were also differences between the state and federal laws in U.S.

The second speaker of this unit was Guan Guowei, a postgraduate student of Wuhan University Law School. The theme of his report was "the judicial protection of US patents and its impact on Chinese high-tech enterprises. Lawyer Ma Degang pointed out that patent infringement cases involved both legal issues and technical issues.

The third part was chaired by Mr. Ai Li. The first speaker of this unit was Zhao Ziqi, a graduate student of Wuhan University Law School. The theme of the report was "the main content of the FIRRMA and its impact on Chinese Enterprises' mergers and acquisitions of American high-tech enterprises. Professor Qi Tong put forward his opinion and analyzed the implications on China's legislation on foreign investment security.

The second speaker of this unit were Zhang Xiaoyu and Cao Xinwen. They analyzed the source of law and specific policy measures of US high-tech export control. Director Ma Jianxin affirmed the richness of the report and put forward some constructive suggestions.

The fourth part was chaired by professor Xu Qianfei. The first speaker of this unit was Wu Pengjie, a graduate student of Wuhan University Law School. The theme of the report was "new developments in US export control laws and its impact on the Chinese high-tech enterprises". Professor Feng Jiehan pointed out that the research on this topic could involve the legality of the extraterritorial application of US export control laws from the perspective of public international law.

The second speaker of this unit was Wang Zihao. The theme of the report was "Research on competitive restriction related to the protection of trade secrets in China". Professor Yu Shuhong affirmed the efforts that Wang Zihao made in case collection and problem analysis. She also pointed out that the report needed further research in the future.

The last speaker of this unit was Fan Zihao. The theme of the report was "The development of high-tech printing technology industry in China and the intellectual property protection". Mr. Chen Li first pointed out some problems and difficulties that many high-tech enterprises faced in Zhuhai. Then, Mr. Chen Li shared some solutions to deal with these problems. Finally, Mr. Chen Li expressed sincere thanks to all the members of the research group for their hard work and hoped that the project would achieve fruitful results.

At the end of the seminar, professor Nie Jianqiang, the deputy director of the Research Institute of International Law of Wuhan University made a conclusion. The seminar ended successfully with the applause of the guests and students.




Edited by Su Yi & Wu Liuqing