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Prof. Mo Hongxian Renewed Her Appointment as Invited Advisor to the Supreme People's Court

Recently, the Supreme People's Court held the fifth appointment symposium of the special invited consultants. Zhou Qiang, Secretary of the Party Group and President of the Supreme People's Court, attended the symposium. He Rong, Vice Secretary of the Party Group and Executive Vice President of the Supreme People's Court, presided over and proclaimed the decision on the Appointment of the Fifth Session of the Invited Consultants of the Supreme People's Court. Forty-four experts, including Prof. Mo Hongxian of our school, were appointed.


Zhou Qiang pointed out that the system of invited advisors is an important part of the Supreme People's Court's mechanism for scientific, democratic and legal decision-making. The Supreme People's Court has always attached great importance to the work of invited consultants. He hoped that the invited advisors would continue to care about and support the work of the people's courts, actively contribute their wisdom and strength, and jointly promote the construction of China under the rule of law.

Mo Hongxian, professor and doctoral supervisor of Wuhan University. Her main research areas are criminal law and criminology. She is now also the Vice President of the Chinese Society of Criminal Law Research, the Vice President of the Chinese Society of Integrity Law Research, the Vice President of the Wuhan Law Society, and serves as an expert advisor to the Supreme Court and the Supreme Prosecutor.

Edited by Yuan Yuhang & Wu Liuqing