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A New Book Co-edited by Professor Qi Tong will be Published soon


The book China, the EU and International Investment Law: Reforming Invest-State Dispute Settlement, co-edited by Li Yuwen (professor of the law school of Erasmus University, Rotterdam), Qi Tong (professor of Wuhan University School of Law) and Bian Cheng (doctor of the law school of Erasmus University, Rotterdam), will be published in Routledge Publishing House in October 2019.

This book is the final result of the joint research project of KNAW presided by professor Li Yuwen and Qi ctong. The two sides held two academic seminars on ISDS reform in Wuhan and Rotterdam in October 2017 and April 2018, which won considerable attention.

This book gives an original and critical analysis on the most concerned issues of the China-EU Comprehensive Agreement on Investment, especially focusing on the approach to the reform of the Investor-State Dispute Settlement System (ISDS) between China and the EU in the context of the negotiation of the agreement.



Edited by Su Yi & Wu Liuqing