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National Human Rights Education and Training Base Established in Law School

On 22nd July, the Ministry of Education and State Council Information Office held the awarding ceremony for the second batch of National Human Rights Education and Training Base. Human Rights Institute of Wuhan University was among the five institutes that had been approved to set up National Human Rights Education and Training Base. President of Chinese Society for Human Rights Studies Luo Haocai, Deputy Minister of Education Li Weihong, Deputy Director of State Council Information Office Cui Yuying and other celebrities attended the ceremony. Senior Professor of Humanities and Social Sciences Lilong, Deputy Party Secretary Luo Yuting from Wuhan University, Dean of Humanities and Social Sciences Academy Shen Zhuanghai, Deputy Party Secretary Hou Zhenfa and Associate Dean Wang Xigen from Law School also joined the ceremony.

At the ceremony, Deputy Minister of Education Li Weihong pointed out that establishing five more National Human Rights Education and Training Bases meant a great deal for boosting the human rights researches of colleges and universities. Deputy Director of State Council Information Office Cui Yuying also stressed that setting up Human Rights Education and Training Bases was the earnest commitment that China had made to the world, signifying the great importance that Chinese government had attached to the cause human rights.

On behalf of Wuhan University, Senior Professor Lilong accepted the plaque of National Human Rights Education and Training Base. Deputy Party Secretary Luo Yuting said that being selected national base meant honor and responsibility; that Wuhan University would support the studies of Human Rights Institute; and that Wuhan University would strive hard to promote the cause of human rights.

The establishment of National Human Rights Education and Training Bases is the significant measure taken to implement the Action Plan on Human Rights. In July 2011, Institutes of Human Rights from Nankai University, China University of Political Science and Law and Guangzhou University were approved as the first batch of National Human Rights Education and Training Bases.