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Professor Ning Lizhi attended the 2019 annual meeting of the Chinese research community of Intellectual Property Law

Recently, sponsored by the Law School of Heilongjiang University, the Intellectual Property Law Research Institute of Heilongjiang, the Harbin Arbitration Commission, the Centre for Intellectual Property Research of Heilongjiang University and the Institute of Intellectual Property Law of Harbin Engineering University, Chinese research community of Intellectual Property Law held the 2019 annual meeting successfully in Harbin. With the theme of "Improving the rule of intellectual property law and serving the national economic construction", the meeting was held in the form of 11 sub-forums. The meeting lasted for one and a half days. More than 600 famous experts, scholars and industry representatives from theoretical and practical circles attended this annual meeting. Professor Ning Lizhi, the director of the Institute of Intellectual Property and Competition Law of Wuhan University and Deng Shemin, the vice president of Law School of Xinjiang University were invited to attend the annual meeting.


The opening ceremony of the annual meeting was presided over by professor Liu Chuntan, the president of the Chinese research community of Intellectual Property Law. In the opening ceremony, there was a prize giving ceremony for outstanding papers of young scholars, and a signing ceremony of strategic agreement between the Chinese research community of Intellectual Property Law and the Chinese Trademark Association.

Professor Ning Lizhi was invited to comment on the "Anti-unfair Competition Law" in the Fourth Forum on the afternoon of June 1. First of all, Professor Ning expressed that the topics of the speakers reflected the need for the law to deal with the relationship between explicit provisions and valuable silence. Secondly, Professor Ning thought that the possibility of data rights and property was small. Finally, Professor Ning considered that three conflicting issues need to be coordinated in the issue of prohibition of competition. Professor Deng Shemin gave comments as a commentator in the sub-forum “Intellectual Property Comprehensive Forum”and Ph.D candidate Miss Dai Qiuyan also attended the forum.

Edited by Su Yi & Wu Liuqing