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The Inauguration Ceremony of the Judicial Case Study Center of Wuhan University and the opening demonstration meeting of the important topic of the Supreme People's Court, "Research on Unified Standards of Law Application under the Background of Judicial



The inauguration ceremony of the Judicial Case Study Center of Wuhan University and the opening demonstration of the important topic of Supreme People's Court, "Research on Unified Standards of Application of Law under the Background of Judicial Responsibility System" were held on May 15, 2019 at the Wuhan University School of Law. More than 40 experts and scholars, who are from the Supreme People's Court, Hubei Provincial Higher People's Court and Wuhan Sea. Court of Justice, Jianghan Intermediate People's Court, People's Court of Wuhan District, Wuhan Arbitration Commission, Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences of Wuhan University, Wuhan University School of Law, Wuhan University School of Information Management, Wuhan University School of Computer Science, School of Law of Central South University of Finance, Economics and Law, School of Law of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Beijing Jintai (Wuhan) ) law firms and Hubei Jinwei Law Firm, participated in the meeting.

Firstly, the Establishment Ceremony of the Judicial Case Study Center of Wuhan University was held.



The founding ceremony was presided over by Professor Zhang Suhua who first introduced the leaders and guests.


Professor Feng Guo, the dean of the Wuhan University School of Law, said that the establishment of the Judicial Case Study Center of Wuhan University wrote a new chapter for the Wuhan University School of Law in terms of talent training, academic research and social services. The cooperation between Wuhan University School of Law and the judicial organs at all levels will enter a new historical stage.


Xia Yikun, the deputy dean of the Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences of Wuhan University, read out the university's approval for the establishment of the Center. The university decided that professor Luo Kun of the Law School would be the director of the research center.


Jiang Qibo, the member of the trial committee of the Supreme People's Court and director of the research room, Li Qunxing, the vice president of Hubei Provincial Higher People's Court, and professor Feng Guo, the dean of the Law School of Wuhan University, jointly unveiled the research center.//fxy.wnsrdc88.com/__local/1/59/41/4F0ABF6E3520BBF66D8FA0A2474_1692ECA1_49.gif


Sun Deyuan, the secretary of the Party Committee of Wuhan University School of Law, announced the appointment documents of the Research Center, and decided to appoint Professor Yang Wei as the vice chairman of the Center.


Jiang Qibo delivered a speech on behalf of the research office of the Supreme People's Court. He warmly congratulated the establishment of the Center, and put forward ardent expectations for the future of it, pointing out the direction for the future work of it.



Professor Luo Kun, the head of the Center, briefed on the development of the Judicial Case Study Center of Wuhan University.

In the second stage, the Supreme People's Court held a seminar on the important topic "Research on Unified Standards of Application of Law under the Background of Judicial Responsibility System" of judicial research in 2018.


The seminar was presided over by Li Qunxing. He introduced the members of the panel of experts.


Professor Luo Kun, on behalf of the project team, gave a report on the research program.//fxy.wnsrdc88.com/__local/1/59/41/4F0ABF6E3520BBF66D8FA0A2474_1692ECA1_49.gif


Yuan Chunxiang, the director of the comprehensive department of the research office of the Supreme People's Court, fully affirmed the report. He emphasized that the subject research should have a strong sense of problems, especially pay attention to the new situation and problems in judicial reform, and focus on some outstanding problems.//fxy.wnsrdc88.com/__local/1/59/41/4F0ABF6E3520BBF66D8FA0A2474_1692ECA1_49.gif


Shi Lei, Director of Case Guidance Office of the Research Office of the Supreme People's Court, mainly guided the topic from the content and structure of the research, especially the selection of specific mechanisms.



Meng Qinguo, Vice President of the Chinese Civil Law Research Association and Professor of Law School of Wuhan University, pointed out that it is very important to study the criteria of uniform application of law, but due to the limited time of the subject research, limited efforts can be focused on key issues; in research methods, a large number of empirical research should be carriedout systematically. Find out the problem.


Professor Qin Qianhong believes that the public's expectation of judicial fairness needs to be solved, but it can not be overcorrected. Before solving the problem of how to unify the application of law, we should first solve the problem why the law should be applied universally and in what sense it should be applied universally.


Professor Zhang Rongfang fully affirmed the significance of the topic. Taking medical insurance system as an example, she analyzed the situation of uniform application of law in the field of social law, and hoped that there would be better uniform application of law in the field of social law in the future.


In the free speech segment of the participants, Vice President Zhong Li of Wuhan Maritime Court put forward that as a local court, she had a deep understanding of the unification of adjudications, and from the practical point of view of the trial work, she expressed her views on various mechanisms, such as the judicial committee, professional judges' meeting, the communication between higher and lower courts, and the professional training of judges.//fxy.wnsrdc88.com/__local/1/59/41/4F0ABF6E3520BBF66D8FA0A2474_1692ECA1_49.gif


Lu Hai, director of Beijing Jintai (Wuhan) Law Firm, highly affirmed the important contribution of the subject to practice. From the perspective of lawyer profession, this paper analyzed the origin of people's sense of fairness and how to improve it, and advocated that the application of law should be unified by strengthening case guidance under the statutory law system.


In the end,  Director Jiang emphasized that, as a subject of the Supreme Law, research should be conducted from the perspective of the Supreme Law, with high standing, level and standards. It should not only solve the problem of whether to unify the referees at the macro level, but also the problem of specific mechanisms. It should also solve the problems not only in theory, but also in practice.

Edited by Su Yi & Wu Liuqing