

Public International Law

Peng Qinxuan

Dr. Qinxuan Peng

Associate Professor (Tenure-track)

She has served as the editor of the Wuhan University International Law Review since 2018 and has been the editor of Law Science since 2023. She also has experience as a visiting scholar at the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights (NCHR) at Oslo University.

Throughout her career, she has presented at conferences and delivered guest lectures and workshops on a variety of topics worldwide. Besides, Qinxuan assisted Prof. Huang Huikang at the International Law Commission (United Nations) during the 71st session in Geneva in 2019. She was also invited to provide expert dialogues on human rights topics during the 46th and 47th sessions of the United Nations Human Rights Council.

Qinxuan’s current research interests revolve around human rights and the interplay between international and municipal laws. She has published numerous scholarly journal articles in both English and Chinese in these fields. She is a project leader for more than 10 externally funded research projects, including the National Social Science Fund Projects in China, China Top Think Tank Key Projects, National Foreign-related Rule of Law Fund Projects, and Ministry of Justice Fund Projects.

Qinxuan successfully defended her PhD in 2017 at Utrecht University in the Netherlands under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Jenny Goldschmidt and Prof. Dr. Tom Zwart. Her PhD thesis Applied Intersectionality in International Human Rights Implementation was published by VU Press Amsterdam. In addition to this, she has authored works such as "On the Relationship between International and Municipal Laws" by Wells, "Between Ignorance and Murder - Racism in Times of Pandemics" by Vienna Academic Press, and "Methods of International Law" by People's Publishing House.

Beyond her academic pursuits, Qinxuan practices law as a qualified lawyer, with experience working at the Civil Code N.V. Notary Office in The Hague and the Luojia Law Firm in Wuhan. In addition to her PhD, Qinxuan holds three legal degrees: an LLB (cum laude) from Jishou University, an LLM with distinction from Wuhan University, and a Diploma with distinction from the Hopkins-Nanjing Center (HNC).