

Public International Law

Huang ZhiXiong


Luojia Chair Professor of International Law

Deputy Director, Wuhan University Institute of International law

Member of International Group of Experts, Tallinn 2.0 Project on International Law in Cyberspace

Special Raporteur, Working Group on International Law in Cyberspace,Asian African Legal Consultative Organization (AALCO)

Prof. Zhixiong Huang has been teaching at Wuhan University since 2002. Before that, he received his B.A., LL.M and S.J.D. from Wuhan University in 1996, 1999, and 2002 respectively. In 2004, he was also awarded Master of International Law and Economics by the World Trade Institute (Bern, Switzerland).

Professor Huang specializes in public international law and international cyber law. His areas of academic interest include legal issues on cyber security, governance of cyberspace, climate change and international law, and China in the WTO. His books include Contemporary Issues in International Humanitarian Law, China University of Politics and Law Publishing House, 2013 (co-edited with Yang Guo), Non-governmental Organizations in the Perspective of International Law: Trends, Influences, and Responses, China University of Politics and Law Publishing House, 2013 (editor), and Studies on Development Issues and International Development Law in the Framework of WTO, Wuhan University Publishing House, 2005 (his Ph.D thesis). Prof. Huang has published more than 50 paper in various fields of international law, among others The Application of International Law in Cyberspace: Establishing Rules of the Game (Global Law Review, No.3, 2016),“Cyber Warfare” from the Perspective of International Law and China’s Strategies (Modern Law Review, No.5, 2015), The Attribution Rules in ILC’s Articles on State Responsibility: A Preliminary Assessment on Their Application to Cyber Operations, Baltic Yearbook of International Law, Vol.14 (2014), and The London Process and the Future of International Rule-making on Cyber security (Wuhan University Law Review, No. 4, 2013).

Prof. Huang was a Fulbright visiting scholar at Harvard Law School during the academic year 2010-2011, Visiting International Academic Fellow at the Law School of the University of Exeter, UK in February 2016 (two weeks), and he also did visiting research at Utrecht University, the Netherlands (2003), the Max-planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Germany (2003/2016), and Warsaw University, Poland (2010). Besides, he has been invited to make presentations in near 20 academic symposiums and conferences held abroad, e.g. the 6th International Cyber Engagement Conference held in Georgetown University in Washington D.C. in April 2016, the International Conference on Cyber Conflict (CyCon) organized by NATO Cooperative Cyber Defense Center of Excellence (CCDCOE) in Tallinn, Estonia in May of 2015, and the American Society of International Law (ASIL) Midyear Meeting and Research Forum co-organized by ASIL and Law School of New York University in New York in November 2013.

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