Michael Sheng-ti Gau, Professor at Law School of Wuhan University
Email: [email protected]
Professor and PhD supervisor of the Institute of International Law
Basic Information
Male, Han nationality, born in 1963 in Taipei, Taiwan province. Prof. Michael Sheng-ti Gau taught at National Taiwan Kaohsiung University (2000-2005), Soochow Law School (2005-2010), the Institute of Law of the Sea of National Taiwan Ocean University (2010-2017), and Hainan University Law School (2017-2019). Since August 2019 he is professor of public international law at Institute of International Law at Wuhan University Law School. For the past 19 years professor Gau has been working on legal issues of Intergovernmental Organizations (e.g. ICAO, WHO, OIE), law of the sea, Regional Fisheries Management Organizations like ICCAT, SPRFMO and WCPFC, as well as WTO fishery subsidies negotiations. He used to work for Civil Aeronautics Administration in Taiwan (1992-1993) and China Airlines (1997-1998). He was the head of legal department for the Aviation Safety Council (ASC, similar to NTSB) of the Executive Yuan (1998-2000) in Taiwan. Since 2004 he became ASC Board Member, and the Vice-Chairman (2012-2014). He has been Administrator for Taiwan Regional Round of the Philip Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition (2000-2012). Since 2009 his research focus is on maritime delimitation issues, e.g. outer continental shelf, CLCS and the South China Sea issues, including Sino-Philippine Arbitration, with many publications in Ocean Yearbook, Ocean Development and International Law, Chinese Journal of International Law, Journal of East Asia and International Law, Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs, and China Oceans Law Review etc.
Education Background
Bachelor of Laws, 1983-1987, National Taiwan University;
Master of Laws specialised in International Law, 1989-1990, Cambridge University;
Master of Laws specialised in International Law, 1990-1991, King’s College London;
Ph.D. in Law, 1993-1997, Leiden University.
Research Areas
Public International law, law of the Sea, International Air Law, Dispute Settlement
Representative Papers
In English
(1) Michael Sheng-ti Gau, “The Interpretation of Article 121(3) of UNCLOS by the Tribunal for the South China Sea Arbitration: A Critique”, Ocean Development and International Law, Vol. 50, Issue 1, pp. 49-69 (2019). (SSCI-listed Paper)
(2) Michael Sheng-ti Gau, “The Sino-Philippine Arbitration on the South China Sea Disputes: A Preliminary Assessment of the Merits Award”, in G. Houlden and N. Hong (eds.), Maritime Order and the Law in East Asia, pp. 193-215 (2018). (Peer Reviewed Paper)
(3) Michael Sheng-ti Gau, “The Jurisdictional Rulings of the South China Sea Arbitration: Possible Errors in Fact and in Law”, 32 Ocean Yearbook 197-249 (2017) (edited by Aldo Chircop et al at Dalhousie University, Brill/Martinus Nijhoff Publishers). (Peer Reviewed Paper)
(4) Michael Sheng-ti Gau, “The 2015 Award on Jurisdiction and Admissibility of the South China Sea Arbitration and the Insurmountable Thresholds”, in 33 Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs, 62-108 (2015) (edited by Ying-Jeou Ma, published by Brill/Martinus Nijhoff Publishers in 2017). (Peer Reviewed Paper)
(5) Michael Sheng-ti Gau, “The Sino-Philippine Arbitration on the South China Sea Disputes and the Taiwan Factor”, IX Journal of East Asia and International Law 2, pp. 479-496 (2016, published by Yijun Press in Korea). (SSCI-listed Paper)
(6) Michael Sheng-ti Gau, “The Agreements and Disputes Crystalized by the 2009-2011 Sino-Philippine Exchange of Notes Verbales and their Relevance to the Jurisdiction and Admissibility Phase of the South China Sea Arbitration”, in 15(2) Chinese Journal of International Law, pp. 417-430 (2016 June, published by Oxford University Press). (SSCI-listed Paper)
(7) Michael Sheng-ti Gau, “The Legal Status of Maritime Features in the Sino-Philippine South China Sea Arbitration: Admissibility and Jurisdiction”, in Wu and Zou (eds), Arbitration Concerning the South China Sea: the Philippines versus China, pp. 71-90 (2016, Ashgate Publishing Limited). (Peer Reviewed Book Chapter)
(8) Michael Sheng-ti Gau, “The Sino-Philippine Arbitration on South China Sea Disputes: Ineffectiveness of the Award, Inadmissibility of the Claims, and Lack of Jurisdiction, with Special Reference to the Legal Arguments Made by the Philippines in the Hearing on 7-13 July 2015”, 22 China Oceans Law Review 1-207 (2015, No. 2, published by Xiamen University). (Peer Reviewed Paper)
(9) Michael Sheng-ti Gau, “The Sino-Philippine Arbitration on South China Sea Disputes: Admissibility and Jurisdiction Issues”, 21 China Oceans Law Review 64-294 (2015, No.1, published by Xiamen University). (Peer Reviewed Paper)
(10) Michael Sheng-ti Gau, “Case Study on the Application of Part XV of UNCLOS to the Annex VII Arbitration Case Concerning the South China Sea Disputes between China and the Philippines”, in Wu, Valencia and Hong (eds), UN Convention on the Law of the Sea and the South China Sea, pp. 301-340 (2015, Ashgate Publishing Limited). (Peer Reviewed Book Chapter)
(11) Michael Sheng-ti Gau, “The Prospects for the Sino-Philippine Arbitration and the Territorial Disputes in the South China Sea”, VII Journal of East Asia and International Law 2, 561-568 (2014, published by Yijun Press in Korea). (SSCI-listed Paper)
(12) Michael Sheng-ti Gau, “Issues of Jurisdiction in Cases of Default of Appearance”, in Stefan Talmon and Bing Bing Jia (eds.), The South China Sea Arbitration: A Chinese Perspective, 81-106 (2014, published by Hart Publishing Oxford). (Peer Reviewed Book Chapter)
(13) Michael Sheng-ti Gau, “The Sino-Philippine Arbitration on South China Sea (Nine-Dash-Line) Dispute: Applying the Rule of Default of Appearance”, in 28 Ocean Yearbook, 81-133 (2014, edited by Aldo Chircop et al at Dalhousie University, Brill/Martinus Nijhoff Publishers). (Peer Reviewed Paper)
(14) Michael Sheng-ti Gau, “The Prospects for the Sino-Philippine Arbitration on the South China Sea (U-Shaped Line) Dispute”, 31 Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs, pp. 195-230 (2013, Brill/Martinus Nijhoff Publishers). (Peer Reviewed Paper)
(15) Michael Sheng-ti GAU, “Mechanisms for Prevention of Disputes concerning Encroachment upon the Area by Excessive Continental Shelf Claims”, in Jin-Hyun Paik & Harry N Scheiber (eds), Regions, Institutions and Law of the Sea, 221-244 (2013, Brill/Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Leiden, Boston) (Peer Reviewed Book Chapter)
(16) Michael Sheng-ti GAU, “Recent Continental Shelf Submissions by Countries in East Asia and Third Party Notifications”, in Jon M. Van Dyke, Sherry P Broder, Jin-Hyun Paik, & Seokwoo Lee (eds.), Governing Ocean Resources: Essays in Tribute to Judge Choon-Ho Park, 195-228 (2013, Brill/Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Leiden, Boston) (Peer Reviewed Book Chapter)
(17) Michael Sheng-ti Gau, “The Legal Issues Relating to the U-Shaped Lines in the South China Sea as Reflected by the Submissions and Third Party Notifications to the CLCS”, in Zhiguo Gao, Yu Jia, Haiwen Zhang, & Jilu Wu (eds), Cooperation and Development in the South China Sea, 59-72 (2013, China Democracy and Legal System Publishing House, Beijing). (Peer Reviewed Book Chapter)
(18) Michael Sheng-ti Gau, “Redefining the Anti-Legitimization Role of the CLCS for an Encroachment Upon the Area”, in Haisheng Zhang, Jiabiao Li, Zhiguo Gao, & Haiwen Zhang (eds.), Technical and Legal Aspects of the Regimes of the Continental Shelf and the Area – The Second Album, pp. 60-89 (2012, Science Press, Beijing). (Peer Reviewed Book Chapter)
(19) Michael Sheng-ti Gau, “Recent Decisions by the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf on Japan’s Submission for Outer Continental Shelf”, 11 Chinese Journal of International Law (2012, published by Oxford University Press), 487-504. (SSCI-listed Paper)
(20) Michael Sheng-ti GAU, “Problems and Practices in Maritime Delimitation in East Asia: With Special Reference to Taiwan”, Journal of East Asia and International Law, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 377-406 (Autumn 2011, published by Yijun Press in Korea) (SSCI-listed Paper)
(21) Michael Sheng-ti GAU, “The Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf as a Mechanism to Prevent Encroachment upon the Area”, 10 Chinese Journal of International Law, 3-33 (March 2011, published by Oxford University Press) (SSCI-listed Paper)
(22) Michael Sheng-ti GAU, “The U-Shaped Line and a Categorization of the Ocean Disputes in the South China Sea”, in Ocean Development and International Law, Vol. 43, No. 1 (January/March 2012, published by Taylor & Francis Group) (SSCI-listed Paper)
(23) Michael Sheng-ti Gau, “Third Party Intervention in the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf regarding a Submission Involving a Dispute”, in Ocean Development & International Law, Vol. 40, No. 1 (January-March 2009, published by Taylor & Francis Group) 。(SSCI-listed Paper)
(24) Michael Sheng-ti Gau, “The Legal Controversies between China and Taiwan in the WHO From the Perspectives of an International Law Scholar in Taiwan”, in Journal of East Asia and International Law, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 159-170 (Spring 2008, published by Yijun Press in Korea),(Peer Reviewed Paper)
(25) Michael Sheng-ti Gau, “The Practice of the Concept of Fishing Entities: Dispute Settlement Mechanisms”, in Ocean Development and International Law, Vol. 37, No. 2, pp. 221-243 (April-June 2006, published by Taylor & Francis Group) (SSCI-listed Paper)
(26) Michael Sheng-ti Gau, “Asian Perspectives on Fishery Subsidy Issues and Linkage with Environment”, in Asian Journal of WTO and International Health Law and Policy, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 189-228 (March 2006, published by National Taiwan University Press) (Peer Reviewed Paper)
(27) Dr. Michael Sheng-ti Gau, Governmental Representation for Territories in the International Civil Aviation Organization: A Case Study (Ph.D. thesis successfully defended at Leiden University, the Netherlands, on February 1997).
(28) Michael Sheng-ti Gau, “Universal Territorial Representation within ICAO in the Age of Air Transport Globalization – An Examination on ICAO Observership on the Basis of ICAO Rules of Procedures and Relevant Practices”, in XXI Air & Space Law, p. 105 (No. 3, Deventer/Netherlands: Kluwer Law & Taxation Publishers, 1996). (Peer Reviewed Paper)
(29) Michael Sheng-ti Gau, “Recent Taiwan Presidential Election and the International Legal Status of Taiwan”, in ATLAS number 1-April 1996 VEERE OOSTEN, p. 2 (Leiden/Netherlands)
(30) Michael Sheng-ti Gau, “The Future Taiwan-Mainland China Air Links and Cabotage Concept under Current International Air Law”, in XIX Air & Space Law. p. 317 (No. 6, Deventer/Netherlands: Kluwer Law & Taxation Publishers, 1994). (Peer Reviewed Paper)
(31) Michael Sheng-ti Gau, The Legality of Unilateral Carrying Out of Deep Seabed Mining Under Customary International Law (LL.M. thesis submitted to the Faculty of Law of King’s College London on 1 July 1991, supervised by Sir Ian Sinclair).
In Chinese
(1) 高圣惕,《台日渔业协议》的真相(下),远望杂志,第5卷,第2期,2019年2月号,页19-25。
(2) 高圣惕,《台日渔业协议》的真相(上),远望杂志,第5卷,第1期,2019年1月号,页26-31。
(3) 高圣惕,「论南海仲裁裁决对于海洋法公约第121(3)条之错误解释」,太平洋学报,第26卷,第12期,2018年12月,页24-34。(CSSCI-listed Paper)
(4) 高圣惕,「论南海仲裁案裁决在管辖权及可受理性问题上的事实与法律谬误」,边界与海洋研究,第2卷,第1期,2017年1月,页11-39。
(5) 高圣惕,「论联合国大陆礁层界限委员会对日本提案之决定:以冲之鸟礁为中心」,中华国际法与超国界法评论,页249-270,(2016年12月,第12卷,第二期)。(Peer Reviewed Paper)
(6) 高圣惕,「论南海仲裁管辖权裁决之谬误」,国际问题研究,页100-125,(2016年,第2期)。(CSSCI-listed Paper)
(7) 高圣惕,「海疆划界实践对钓鱼台争议的启示」,中华国际法与超国界法评论,页23-80,(2015年6月,第11卷,第一期)。(Peer Reviewed Paper)
(8) 高圣惕,「论中菲南海仲裁的无效性」,国际问题研究,页65-89,(2015年,第5期)。(CSSCI-listed Paper)
(9) 高圣惕,「论南海争端与其解决途径」,比较法研究,No. 6, pp. 16-37 (November 2013) (CSSCI-listed Paper)
(10) 高圣惕,「论中华民国未来南海政策之选项」,陈纯一(编),爱国学人:纪念邱宏达教授学术研讨会会议实录暨论文集,页556-605,出版日期为2013年10月,台北三民书局出版。
(11) 高圣惕,「台湾与世界卫生组织:我国参与世界卫生组织几个重要会议与机制的法律可行性评估」,政大法学评论,第133期,页133-224、出版日期为2013年6 月。(TSSCI-listed Paper)
(12) 高圣惕,『以「实体」作为国际海洋法条约规范主体的理论与实践:以台湾参与区域性渔业管理组织之实践为中心』,台湾海洋法学报第9卷第 2期,页111-200。 2010年12月出版。(Peer Reviewed Paper)
(13) 高圣惕,「以联合国大陆礁层界限委员会(CLCS)之规则与实践,论对涉及争端之提案的第三国干预与对我国之启示」,刊登于政大法学评论,第115期,页309-392,刊登日期为2010年6月。(TSSCI-listed Paper)
(14) 高圣惕,「以世界卫生组织之法规论台湾参与世界卫生大会之模式与意涵」,载于包宗和(主编),「卫生安全的理论建构与实践」,页189-228,远景基金会出版,2009年。(Peer Reviewed Book Chapter)
(15) 高圣惕,「台湾与区域性渔业管理组织:论大西洋鲔类保育委员会对台湾动用贸易制裁之05-02号前置性决议的合法性」,刊登于政大法学评论第99期,页61-153,于2007年10月出版。(TSSCI-listed Paper)
(16) 高圣惕,「论国际渔业法中涉及捕鱼实体的争端解决机制(上)」,刊登于政大法学评论第95期,页229-263,于2007年2 月出版。(TSSCI-listed Paper)
(17) 高圣惕,「论国际渔业法中涉及捕鱼实体的争端解决机制(下)」,刊登于政大法学评论第96期,页233-275,于2007年4 月出版。(TSSCI-listed Paper)
(18) 高圣惕,「国际民航组织与中华民国:就国际民航组织与联合国的法律关系而论中华民国派遣观察员参加前者活动之法律障碍」,刊登于政大法学评论第68期,于2001年12月出版。(TSSCI-listed Paper)
(19) 高圣惕,「我国民用航空器事故调查法制之重整与相关国际航空法法规之评析」,刊登于东吴法律学报 第13卷第1期,于2001年8月由东吴大学出版。页165-216。(TSSCI-listed Paper)
(20) 高圣惕,「航空器事故调查国际法规重要原则之分析与我国相关民用航空法规之简评」,收录于国际法论集:丘宏达教授六 秩晋五华诞祝寿论文集,中国国际法学会编辑,三民书局于2001年3月出版。页 313至350。(Peer Reviewed Book Chapter)
(21) 高圣惕,「国际民航组织观察员制度暨领域代表权普遍化之概念」刊登于东吴法律学报第11卷第1期,于1998年1月由东 吴大学出版。页73-112。(TSSCI-listed Paper)
Awards and Honors
(1) 2006 onwards: member of Editorial Board of Journal of East Asia and International Law, a SSCI-Listed journal.
(2) 2000 onwards: one of the editors of Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs.
(3) 2012/May/21-2014/June: appointed by the Prime Minister of the Executive Yuan as the Vice Chairman of the Aviation Safety Council, an independent aircraft accident investigation agency in Taiwan. The Chairman of the ASC is a Cabinet Member in the Executive Yuan, ROC Taiwan.
(4) 2012/Sep: Appointed by the Minister of Education in ROC Taiwan as the examiner for the Government Scholarship Examination for subject of International Law of the Sea.
(5) 1997-2010: Supervising Soochow Law School team for the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition for the Taiwan Regional Round. The team of Soochow won the championship in the regional round for the years of 1997, 1999, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2009, and 2010. In 2009, the team won the second place for the Best Memorials in the Hardy Dillard Memorial Competition. The total number of the participating teams is 75.
(6) 2009: Supervising the team of Soochow Law School for the International Humanitarian Law Moot Court Competition, Taiwan Regional Round, organized under the auspices of ICRC. The team of Soochow won the championship and went to Hong Kong for international semi-final round.
(7) 2009/Jan-Dec: Appointed by the Prime Minister as the member of the committee for the petition of the Executive Yuan.
(8) 2008/Sep: Appointed by the Minister of Education as the examiner of the Government Scholarship Examination for the subject of International Health Law.
(9) 2006/Sep: Appointed by the Minister of Education as the examiner of the Government Scholarship Examination for the subject of International Organizations.
(10) 2004/May-2012/May: Appointed by the Prime Minister of the Executive Yuan as a board member of the Aviation Safety Council for three consecutive terms.
(11) 2004/Sep: Appointed by the Minister of Education as the examiner of the Government Scholarship Examination for the subject of International Law.
(12) 1994/Apr: Representing Leiden University for the Manfred Lachs International Space Law Moot Court Competition held in Paris and organized by the Institute of International Space Law, winning the best advocacy award.
(13) 1992/Oct: Winning a four-year Government Scholarship provided by the Ministry of Education in Taiwan for doctoral study in Europe on the subject of International Law.
(14) 1986/Mar: Winning the best advocacy award in the Philip C Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition, Taiwan Regional Round. Representing Taiwan at the International Semi-Final Rounds held in Washington D.C.