

Civil and Commercial Law

Yang Wei


Associate Professor

Work Experience

1996-2000 Wuhan University of Hydraulic and Electrical Engineering, Assistant, Lecturer

2000-present, Wuhan University Law School, Associate Professor


• Wuhan University Law School , Doctor of Law, 2009

• Wuhan University Law School ,Master of Law , 2005

• South-Central Institute of Political Science and Law, Bachelor of Law, 1996

Research Areas
Civil and Commercial Law, Contract Law, Tort Law,Statutes of Limitations

Academic Posts

1.   The director of Civil Law Institute of Law Society in Hubei


2.   The director of Commercial Law Institute of Law Society in Hubei Province


Representative Articles:

1 “An analysis of the nature of the personnel guarantee, the legal consideration of building the personnel guarantee system in China” Law Review, 8(2008); China Social Sciences Digest, 2008.12 reprint

2. “China shouldn’t establish Verwirkung system”, Journal of Gansu Political Science and Law Institute, 2010.1

3. “The reflection and reconstruction of prescription theory and practice”, Luo Jia Jurists’ Forum, Volume ten

4. “The protection term of decedent’s personality interests”, Science of Law, 2012.4

5. “The reflection and reconstruction of the theoretical explanation of litigation prescription system’s value”, Law Review, 2012.5

Representative Books

1. Research on the civil rights’ time limitation, Wuhan University Press, 2011.

2. Laws of Property, Law Press, 2009

Achievements and Rewards

1. The third competition of teaching methods for youth teacher in Law School of Wuhan University, first class, 2010

2. The legal science research center of civil and commercial in People’s University of China “solicit article with award for young scientist in civil and commercial law”, third class, 2011

3. Wuhan Social science outstanding achievement Awards, the nominee award for research paper, 2011