

Civil and Commercial Law

Luo Kun


Associate Professor

Basic Information
Male, Han nationality, born in 1978, Yiyang, Hunan province. He taught in WTO Studies School of Wuhan University from 2007.07 to 2011.06, since 2001.07, he teaches in Wuhan University Law School.

Education Background
Bachelor of Law, 1997-2001, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law;
Master of Law, 2001-2004, Wuhan University Law School;
Doctor of Law, 2004-2007, Wuhan University Law School;
Post-doctor, 2007-2010, Renmin University of Chian.

Research Areas
Contract Law, Nonprofit Organization Law

Representative Papers
1. Humanism and the Legislation Style of Personality Right Law in Civil Code. Renmin University Review. 2004;
2. A Study on United Contract. Civil and Commercial Law Review. Volume28;
3. Research on Establishment Principles of Stiftung. Wuhan University Journal (Philosophy and Social Science). 2008(05);
4. Review and Prospect of China Nongovernment Organization (NGO) Legislation. Social Science Front. 2008(9);
5. The Influence of Article 23 of China Property Law on Changing Rule of Movable Property. Legal Science. 2009(05);
6. Research about the Application Scope of Article 116 of China Property Law. Law Science Magazine. 2009.(10);
7. Typological Thinking and Its Problems of Contract Effectiveness Defects System. Law Review. 2010(06).

Representative Publications
A Research on Stiftung System. Wuhan University Press. 2009