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Chinese Journal of International Law
发表时间:2017-11-10 阅读次数:3742次

Chinese Journal of International Law is an English journal published by Oxford University Press in UK, and it was edited by Seeho Yee who was transferred to Wuhan University School of Law in 2008. The journal was selected for SSCI and Westlaw source journals in 2008, it is the only law journal edited by Chinese scholars that are included in SSCI, and it is also one of the 10 international law journals that are included in SSCI source journals in the world. The journal was founded in 2002 and published 2 ~ 3 volumes every year, it mainly publishes Chinese and foreign scholars’ new interpretations, new ideas and new theories on major theoretical and practical issues in the field of the public international law, private international law and international economic law.